7 Best Things About the American Health Care Act

Very interesting. This is from an email newsletter and just good to know info. Enjoy…

There are many benefits to the American Health Care Act. Here are our top seven:

  1. It dismantles Obamacare just like we promised and eliminates the individual mandate. Washington has no right to tell the American people what products it must buy. It is a fundamental abuse of our most basic freedoms.

  2. It provides massive tax relief and stops the growing health-care costs. As repeatedly proven by history, free markets and fair competition produce lower costs. By removing burdensome federal rules (i.e. the medical-device tax and health-insurance taxes), we’ll enable the marketplace to produce higher-quality care for you and your community.

  3. It nearly doubles the amount of money people can contribute to market-friendly Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and makes them more flexible, so people can use them to purchase things they actually need, like over-the-counter medications.

  4. It blocks federal funds from going to abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, ensuring that your tax dollars are used to save lives rather than to destroy them.

  5. It protects those with pre-existing conditions. The AHCA stops insurance companies from kicking people off their coverage for getting sick, and ensures that people with pre-existing conditions won’t be denied insurance.

  6. It returns power to the states with the biggest entitlement reform in a generation. It puts Medicaid on a budget, ending the program’s open-ended funding, focusing funds on those most in need. What’s more, as we scale back Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion, we won’t punish those who received insurance through Medicaid under Obamacare. We will continue to pay the same rate as before for every person still on Medicaid as long as he or she remains eligible for the program.

  7. It gives all Americans some tax relief. As of now, workers who receive health insurance from their employers benefit because the money both employer and employee use to pay for their health insurance is untaxed. The same goes for Americans who are enrolled in government health care programs. But those Americans who do not have either option do not receive the same benefits. Our plan rectifies this unfairness by offering tax credits and expanded HSAs to help these Americans purchase the coverage they choose.

By repealing and replacing Obamacare with the AHCA, we’re offering the American people freedom, protection, and compassion.

Be sure to share this with your friends and family! Encourage them to #ReadTheBill and discover what the American Health Care Act does and doesn’t do. As always, feel free to reply back to this email with your thoughts and feedback—we read all of your emails!

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